Project Planning

From Map Kibera

Revision as of 13:47, 10 October 2009 by Mikel (Talk | contribs)
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  • Oct 9 AfricaGathering Conference in UK
  • Oct 14 CrisisMapping Conference in Cleveland
  • Jubal travelling to region starting in October
  • Oct 20 Mikel arrives Nairobi
  • Oct 26 AfricaGIS
  • Oct 30 WhereKampala
  • Oct 31 Kelele
  • Nov 1 Start Kibera
  • Possible early completion and move to other areas
  • Nov 14(?) Orgazinational Outreach Workshop/Symposium
  • Nov 21 Finish
  • Nov 25-27 AFRICOMM 2009, Mozambique
  • Dec 20 Mikel leaves Nairobi

more solid estimate on time required for this size area (2-2.3 sq km, 13 villages) need leads on other areas to map .. Mukuru, Mathare



Volunteer Outreach

certificates, GPS gifts, stipends

All volunteers will create user pages on the wiki, and in the app at, with photos.

We'll also need to create a private Google doc for HR

From Kibera

  • core technically experienced young people from Kibera
  • community outreach
  • open question .. stipends?
  • groups to help recruit .. sodnet, fahamu, cfk, hotsun, pamoja fm

From Nairobi

  • from University
  • from Tech Community


Venue in Kibera for kickoff

Computer Lab Space in/near Kibera

Need to secure a computer lab space, very near to Kibera.

This should have...

  • reliable internet * power
  • 6-12 spots open for us every afternoon
  • exact days To Be Determined .. but some good portion of the days from Nov 1 - 21.
  • Printer/Scanner? (if not, ok, we will buy them)


Do we need permission to operate this project in Kibera from local wardens/village chiefs? Can we possibly get help from University on this?

Nairobi area base of operations/housing



Existing Data

Some geo-rectification experiments with PDF maps of Kibera

  • Matrix, Department of Physical Planning
  • Pamoja Trust.

International Facilitators Needs

Need housing/office space in Nairobi for November/December

  • afromusing: hi, there is a nice clean space in Kileleshwa, i stayed there in August. Call 0725259752 - Eva - 'Classic Guest House'


  • visit travel clinic. malaria treatment?
  • cipro

Local Financial Agent


Printing Maps in Nairobi

Printing Map Kibera stickers


Media Strategy

Outreach and Sustainability

Mapping Users Needs

  • Needs assessment for mapping features
  • Data users
  • Promotion in media, among data users
  • Technical and community support for ongoing mapping
  • Organization(s) to continue mapping, and generate projects based on Kibera Maps
  • TacticalTech for input/support?

Outreach Events

Org and geek events: Outreach Events

Outreach Tools

  • NYPL historic map archive platform (for collections of old paper maps of Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya, etc)
  • GeoCommons

Contacts, Allies, Partners

Contacts Allies Partners


$15k + 10 possible

  • equipment
  • local stipends (?)
  • incidentals
  • food/parties for participants
  • international flights/accomodation
  • international stipends

Budget (private for the moment)

Personal tools