Project Planning

From Map Kibera

Revision as of 02:26, 5 October 2009 by Mikel (Talk | contribs)
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  • Oct 9 AfricaGathering Conference in UK
  • Oct 14 CrisisMapping Conference in Cleveland
  • Jubal travelling to region starting in October
  • Oct 20 Mikel arrives Nairobi
  • Oct 26 AfricaGIS
  • Oct 30 WhereKampala
  • Oct 31 Kelele
  • Nov 1 Start Kibera
  • Possible early completion and move to other areas
  • Nov 14(?) Orgazinational Outreach Workshop/Symposium
  • Nov 21 Finish
  • Nov 25-27 AFRICOMM 2009, Mozambique
  • Dec 20 Mikel leaves Nairobi

more solid estimate on time required for this size area (2-2.3 sq km, 13 villages) need leads on other areas to map .. Mukuru, Mathare



Volunteer Outreach

From Kibera

  • core technically experienced young people from Kibera
  • community outreach
  • open question .. stipends?

From Nairobi

  • from University
  • from Tech Community


Venue in Kibera for kickoff

Computer Lab Space in/near Kibera

Need to secure a computer lab space, very near to Kibera.

This should have...

  • reliable internet * power
  • 6-12 spots open for us every afternoon
  • exact days To Be Determined .. but some good portion of the days from Nov 1 - 21.
  • Printer/Scanner? (if not, ok, we will buy them)

Nairobi area base of operations/housing



  • Local OSM instance
  • Local Walking Papers
  • Local RapidSMS?
  • GeoCommons instances, in-kind donation?

Existing Data

Some geo-rectification experiments with PDF maps of Kibera

International Facilitators Needs

  • Need housing/office space in Nairobi for November/December
  • Health
    • visit travel clinic. malaria treatment?
    • cipro

Local Financial Agent


Media Strategy

Outreach and Sustainability

Mapping Users Needs

  • Needs assessment for mapping features
  • Data users
  • Promotion in media, among data users
  • Technical and community support for ongoing mapping
  • Organization(s) to continue mapping, and generate projects based on Kibera Maps
  • TacticalTech for input/support?

Outreach Events

Org and geek events: Outreach Events

Contacts, Allies, Partners

Contacts Allies Partners


$15k + 10 possible

  • equipment
  • local stipends (?)
  • incidentals
  • food/parties for participants
  • international flights/accomodation
  • international stipends
Personal tools