From Map Kibera
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Healthcare tags
There is a healthcare proposal for OSM that should be considered. If Kibera's health features followed the proposal, they could look like the following:
currently in Kibera | healthcare proposal best-fit | notes |
amenity=pharmacy health_facility:type=herbalist | healthcare=healer speciality=herbalism | |
amenity=pharmacy dispensing=no health_facility:type=chemist_over_the_counter | shop=pharmacy dispensing=no | current proposal doesn't specify dispensing=* |
amenity=pharmacy dispensing=yes health_facility:type=chemist_over_the_counter | shop=pharmacy dispensing=yes | current proposal doesn't specify dispensing=* |
amenity=hospital health_facility:type=vct_center | healthcare=yes speciality=venereology | current proposal doesn't talk much about testing, let alone with the nuance embodied in health_facility:type=vct_center. could suggest healthcare=vct_center |
amenity=dentist health_facility:type=dental_clinic | healthcare=dentist | is this specific enough? |
amenity=public_building health_facility:type=health_programme | healthcare=yes speciality=community | perhaps something like healthcare=support could be of use? |
health_facility:type=training_institution | healthcare=yes speciality=community | perhaps something like healthcare=training could be of use? or is this pushing healthcare=*? |
amenity=public_building health_facility:type=rehabilitation_center | depends | for drugs, speciality=pharmacology might work. maybe healthcare=rehabilitation could be the root? for physical rehab, speciality=physiotherapy would do. |
amenity=hospital health_facility:type=health_center | healthcare=polyclinic | not sure about the nuances of health_facility:type=health_center |
amenity=hospital health_facility:type=medical_clinic | healthcare=polyclinic | |
amenity=hospital health_facility:type=nursing_home_with_maternity | healthcare=yes speciality=gynaecology | this would work, but it doesn't seem to capture the 'home' part very well. the only other option in the proposal seems to be healthcare=midwife |
health_facility:type=laboratory | healthcare=yes speciality=immunology | this is open to bit of interpretation. should there be a root healthcare=laboratory? |
First Review
User:Mikel reviewed health related tags on March 21, and uploaded changes to http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/4187666
Pre-existing Tags
These are all the health related tags.
- amenity=pharmacy
- amenity=hospital
- dispensing=clinic
- dispensing=yes
- shop=chemist
- dispensing=chemist
- notes=clinic
- dispensing=Chemist
- notes=Chemist
- operator=Amref
- notes=Clinic
- notes=this is a laboratory mainly serving the senye clinic in soweto west
- note=also clinic and school
- dispensing=*
- amenity=doctors
- Health=*
- FIXME=this is a laboratory mainly serving the senye clinic in soweto west
- fix capitalization
- removed dispensing=clinic/chemist/Chemist. only yes/no is valid value
- removed erratic tags that did not apply
- unifying to note=* and fixme=* from all capitalization and plural variants
- removed Health=*
- where clear, removed duplicates. otherwise added fixme to disambiguate.
- amenity=clinic is more appropriate than amenity=hospital BUT this tag is not rendered.
- VCT centers not collected at a all
- amenity=pharmacy vs shop=chemist. this is a subtle difference that needs clearing up
- opening_hours needs verification
- laboratory services ... needs new tag?
- herbalists? ... needs new tag
- much confusion currently between clinic and pharmacy and chemist. For instance, called clinic, tagged as pharmacy
- can use comparison against other data sources ... MSF map, Kenya Health facilities, etc (http://mapkibera.org/wiki/index.php?title=Mapping_Users_Needs#AIDS_and_Health_Services, http://mapkibera.org/wiki/index.php?title=Data_Sources#Project_Maps)
- JOSM ... layer editor
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Healthcare proposes some distinguish features between services
Second review
User:Ebrelsford reviewed health-related tags in August 2010 and made some changes.
Made features visible in main OSM rendering
- Added amenity=pharmacy to
- health_facility:type=herbalist
- health_facility:type=chemist_over_the_counter
- Added amenity=hospital to health_facility:type=vct_center
- Added amenity=dentist to health_facility:type=dental_clinic
Types that still need rendering
- health_facility:type=health_programme
- health_facility:type=training_institution
- health_facility:type=rehabilitation_center
- health_facility:type=other (eg, Paolo's Home, described as a "Physiotherapy and Psychotherapy Home")
General rendering fixes
- Broke a few nodes up to avoid overlapping tags:
- Holy Trinity Church separated into a dental clinic
- Kibera Community Youth Programme Computer School separated into a health_programme
- Broke nodes off of ways (health facilities as part of roads or trails)
- Removed obvious duplicates
- Added dispensing=yes for health_facility:type=chemist_dispensing, dispensing=no for health_facility:type=chemist_over_the_counter
- Added health_facility:type={chemist_dispensing,chemist_over_the_counter} to appropriate features with amenity=pharmacy
Still need fixing
- Some features have conflicting tags that make it unclear whether they are clinics, hospitals, or pharmacies.
- fixme=chemist or hospital?
- Some features still look suspiciously like duplicates, but it's hard to tell from here
- fixme=duplicate?