
From Map Kibera

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Following up on the process.

It strikes me that it might be better to find leaders in the community who would like to have such a map and already know how to use it. But that might not be possible or?

If not then we have to meet with those who have participated in these meetings (the lead people) and individually help them to make use of information. I wonder if there is someone with expertise in this who we could partner with? For instance, Oxfam or Amnesty? I think that we have specialized skills, and those do not include helping train in advocacy tec hniques.

Let us think a bit about our role:

  • Intermediary: we can link local players to the more powerful organizations.
  • Trainer on tools
  • What about – we may need an advocate partner to make use of all this. I don’t really think our ultimate role is to assist that way, but it’s missing currently.

I think those we’ve met with in the community are only partly inspired to act on the new tools. They don’t completely understand.

What we’re doing is actually quite unusual. We’re meeting on issue areas, but not in order to support that issue. We have no expertise in education. But we’re tool-providers and supporting general information access. Therefore, it’s a bit more subtle. I think we have to clearly express our role and think about HOW when you provide a tool that wasn’t asked for people are going to make use of it within their current workflow. We can’t ask them to change their workflow too much or it won’t work.

Therefore, maybe finding a few people in the community who actually request for what we offer is key. Then think beforehand with them about how they’ll use the map data and other info.


From Themes




Water Sanitation

Maps for Data

Collect and make available all studies, all research, all groups, all databases, openly.

Building a system, and/or systematically organizing studies and data sets, would be an excellent short term project.

Also Data Sources, Background Reading

Data Sets

  • Umande Trust has data sets
    • data of pay, ability to pay
    • conflict migration within Kibera
    • post election reconstruction
    • 5 biocentres in Gatwekera, 9 total, 14 soon
    • detailed mapping on gatwekera
  • Amref has data sets
    • operates in other slums
    • excellent longitudnal data
    • Mrs. Kaider, 0720098388
  • Population Council
    • Study: "Adolescence in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya"
    • "Directory of Organizations in Kibera"


  • Langata Strategic Plan
  • Growing partnerships for stability and development in Kibera, Moraa New Hope Foundation

Organizational Profiles

Building off Population Council report, and Map Kibera collected data. Also SODNET's database of CBO's. Seperate system, or integrated with maps for data (more information could be collected then), or part of some kind of composite wiki?

Local Cache of Kibera

  • Video Media, other community media
  • research, reports
  • maps, etc
  • Basically cache Voice of Kibera somehow

SMS Applications

  • SMS Community of Practice
    • for data sharing generally within networks along our themes. make networks visible.
  • SMS M&E of advocacy and VCT campaigns
Personal tools