GBV Network
From Map Kibera
- PSI GBV Network
- interested in mapping of post-rape services, ART services, counselling services, PEP, cost/openhours/referrals.
- connect to binti pamoja. APHIA?
- child help line link
- File:Kibera Community GBV referral network.docx
- File:Kibera partners referral network.docx
- File:Overall leaders coordination list.docx
Notes from July 14 meeting
As a follow up to yesterday’s discussion, we came up with the way forwards:
- We need a shorter and unique code of SGBV cases
- The ONE code should be printed in posters and demand created through sessions
- Who and How can we work with map kibera with the short code
- Moderator to be given the APHIA II referral list-response team
Our suggestions to share with Pathfinder International:
Who: The response team- Medical, justice, Legal and security and the Moderator.
- A community member will send a message of what is happening, where to 3002 {or the decided unique code}
- The Moderator will receive the message, assesses the situation and calls the specific response team
- The response team will quickly follow up
It’s benefit:
- It’s a local response idea for Kibera community alone that its strategy is already in place.
- It’s a short and one code compared to subscriber numbers.
- Short code is easy to remember for rapid reporting and responding.
- Numbers of cases will be entered at the website after verification – measurable results
- Effective coordination of communication between moderator and the Response team.
- Anonymous to the community members and confidential.
- SGBV reporting will turn into a community problem where anyone can report
To explore further:
- Funding the moderators and response team communication.
- Is the response team equipped in resources?
…Many other ideas..