From Map Kibera
Mapping in Africa, in Kibera, in rural areas, has revealed many features for which there is currently no clear existing tagging scheme or cartography. Especially in Kibera, this has resulted in tagging that is inconsistent and incomplete across the area.
Contents |
- Focus on thematic areas one by one (water, health, NGOs, etc)
- Examine existing tagging schemes in Kibera. A tag report is generated at http://files.maps.jsintl.org/tags.html and http://files.maps.jsintl.org/tags.mwatate.html. Clicking on the link for a tag will download OSM data that you can open in JOSM to work with more directly. Pay attention especially to NOTES, as these are often where the details on the actual structure are located.
- Open all downloaded layers in JOSM together, and then Merge into a single layer ... this will remove objects that appear in multiple layers.
- Decide on a consistent tagging scheme for the theme.
- Fix manually is small in number. Otherwise document, and later on will explore automated methods to correct, and plan re-survey.
- Document any new features below.
- Once complete and consistent, new features will be presented to OSM community for adoption.
References: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features
Tagging Review in Kibera
User:Mikel reviewed health related tags on March 21 http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/4187666
New Tags
Cattle Dip
- description: it holds water and usually some sort of tick-killing substance (ticks can be a big problem in rural communities - killing livestock); used for microbes clean up
- current tagging scheme: has no current tagging scheme
- some potential alternatives
- Cattle Dip
Water Infrastructure
- water intakes - from where water usually originates; natural or built
- water tanks - where water is stored (water storage tanks or reservoirs),
- water points - different important water points (ex.: water distribution points, water supply reservoirs, cattle tanks, livestock water tanks in dry areas, etc.)
- current tagging scheme: everithing is tagged as man_made - water_works
- Water Intake
- Water Tank
Community meeting points
- traditional meeting place of the elders - where community leaders come and discuss community relevant issues, settle disputes, etc.
- current tagging scheme: village_green
- some potential alternatives: needs a more refined way of tagging as it represents one of the most significant areas in a community
- Traditional meeting place of the elders in Wongonyi
Public buildings
- chief's office, office of a community leader (example: in a local market place)
- current tagging scheme: amenity - public_building
- Chief's House
Sacred places
- areas which have special (mostly spiritual) meaning to a local community and are used for ancestor worship, spirit communication and agricultural sacrifices, etc.
- current tagging scheme: has no current tagging scheme
Unified Tagging on Kibera Map
This is the suggestion of a tagging scheme on a map of Kibera. Different elements are divided into attributes. Main attributes are represented and described. Some exceptions are also represented and redundant attributes are preserved for further examination.
Element is the object of inquiry (ex. school, place of worship, etc.). It is represented by attributes – descriptive representations.
Schools and Educational Fascilities
These elements represent schools (primary, secondary, academy …) and educational facilities (youth polytechnics …).
Attribute table:
Atribute | Description |
amenity | |
name | Name of the school or educational facility. |
note | If there is some particularity (ex. private, school is also a church or a NGO). |