Mapping Training

From Map Kibera

Revision as of 10:04, 10 May 2011 by Seb (Talk | contribs)
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This page serves as a repository for materials and minutes of the training sessions given by Sébastien to the mappers of MapKibera.



At the end of the training, the mappers should be autonomous in surveying and editing the collected data into OpenStreetMap as well as making use of the data. This implies being able to:

  • install the necessary software on a computer
  • operate a GPS unit
  • organize a mapping party
  • understand how data is structured in OSM
  • suggest new tags when needed
  • monitor the quality of the data
  • extract thematic data
  • generate a map, generic or thematic

The survey of water sanitation in Kibera will be conducted in parallel to the training, and thus will provide study material.

A longer-term goal is to have the mappers initiate a new community in a new area.

At the end of the training, a certificate will be issued to the trainees who qualify. Evaluation will be conducted by the instructors during the practical sessions and may also include a written test. The terms of the certificate are yet to be determined.

Upcoming topics

  • Tags: seems to be a lot of confusion with the terminology (i.e. preset, tags, key, value)
  • tag proposal: how to propose a new tag to the OSM community. Example: fuel shop, m-pesa agent...
  • JOSM plugins
  • wiki: browsing through OSM wiki
  • Quality Control: KeepRight!, OSMi


GPS unit Mapper
Kibera01 office
Kibera02 Lucy
Kibera04 Mildred
Kibera05 Zach
Kibera08 Reginnah
Kibera10 + USB Maureen
Kibera11 Hassan
Kibera16 Douglas


March, 28th

Setup JOSM and create an account on OSM
Attendants: Lucy, Regina, Mildred, Hassan, Douglas, Zack, Maureen, Kevin

March, 29th

Review of JOSM components, presets, and OSM tagging scheme
Attendants: Kevin, Millicent, Mildred, Maureen, Regina, Hassan, Lucy, Douglas

March, 31st

Editing data
Attendants: Zack, Lucy, Maureen, Hassan, Millicent

April, 4th

Editing data
Attendants: Reginnah, Zack, Lucy, Millicent, Douglas, Mildred

April, 5th

JOSM features, introduction to KeepRight
Attendants: Zack, Lucy, Maureen, Douglas, Reginnah, Millicent, Mildred

April, 7th - Morning

Editing based on KeepRight!, activation of the remote control and planning of future surveys
Attendants: Mildred, Lucy(*), Zack, Maureen, Millicent

April, 7th - Afternoon

Editing based on collected data
Attendant: Douglas

April, 11th

Preparing the presentation of Tuesday
Attendants: Zack, Douglas

April, 12th

Attendants: Zack, Lucy, Maureen, Millicent

April, 14th

Mapping party in Makina
Attendants: Douglas, Lucy, Maureen, Millicent

April, 18th

Attendants: Lucy, Millicent, Mildred, Zack, Maureen, Hassan, Reginah, Douglas

April, 19th

Attendants: Lucy, Millicent, Mildred, Zack, Maureen, Hassan, Reginah, Douglas

April, 21th

Handling GPX files with GPSBabel (from/to GPS). Getting GPX files from KeepRight and Cloudmade's map
Attendants: Douglas, Lucy, Mildred, Zach, Maureen, Millicent

May, 3rd

Revert, Plugins.
Attendants: Zach, Lucy, Millicent, Reginah, Douglas, Mildred

May, 5th

Presets, Filters, GPX handling continued.
Attendants: Douglas, Lucy, Zach, Millicent.

May, 9th

Attendants: Douglas, Hassan, Mildred, Lucy, Maureen, Zach

May, 10th

Tagging and Presets.
Attendants: Douglas, Millicent, Mildred, Zack, Lucy, Douglas, Maureen

May, 12th

Tagging and Presets.

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