Community Meetings

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* Need airtime, both safaricom and zain
* Need airtime, both safaricom and zain
* Print this all out
* Print this all out
* [[File:Flyer-2.doc|Flyer]]
=== Invitees ===
=== Invitees ===

Revision as of 14:37, 21 April 2010


Health Meetings

  • Wednesday, April 21, Westside, organized by Regynnah
  • Thursday, April 22, Eastside, organized by Douglas

organizers arrive at 9 to set up. meetings goes from 10am - 1pm (expect 11am start)


  • Tables + Chairs
  • Electricity
  • Sharpener
  • Soda/Biscuits
  • Projector
  • Need airtime, both safaricom and zain
  • Print this all out
  • File:Flyer-2.doc


  • Need confirmation
  • invite CfK rep


  • Video journalists
  • Audio recording


  • Brief Welcome
  • Introductions -- Matchsticks
  • Quick Ground Rules
    • get video consent
    • (start collecting names, phones, emails)
  • Introduce the project
    • paper maps. projected maps. GPS gear
  • Map Tracing exercise -- questions
    • (Groups of Five or so, 1 coordinator per group + 2 mappers). do a count off
  • Report Backs with Maps
  • SMS Introduction
    • (Announce airtime)
    • Ushahidi Demo & Discussion

Closing ... and explaining what's next.

Map Questions

For discussion prompt.

(Group questions ... can be used to prompt discussion) INTRO

  • show the map --- what does this make you realize? is this representative? what's missing?
  • make a mark where you live?


  • can you draw how these places are linked together?
  • draw catchment areas?
  • symbolism of different services?
  • where would you go for X?
  • where do people in your community go for health services?
  • in the past year, circle services that you/family members have used? and where do you live? even if just for a headache, etc. or where you would go? where would you and your neighbors go (less personal)?


  • which health services work?
  • which don't work?
  • what's the biggest need, and where would you put it?
  • which health service do you trust the most
  • which is the most reliable health service


  • what services are unavailable in Kibera?
  • what's the biggest health problem in your area?
  • what would you want health services providers to know about your area?
  • where would you put more facilities?
  • where do you go for treatment? "I don't want to a clinic in my village"
  • do you use health services outside of Kibera?
  • best & worse of services ....
  • any duplication of services? redundancy?
  • if you were talking to a health official about this map and health, what would you tell?


  • any personal __story__ of when you had trouble accessing services? and where did you try to go?
  • who are the important people that aren't mapped here responsible for health provision?

SMS Questions

  • how do you use sms for health? do they contact you by SMS? what do you say?
  • what have you seen in the last week would you have reported?
  • send in some reports. demonstrate with keywords "kibera, health" and some rough location
  • would you spend money reporting on that experience?
  • what kind of model would this be? broadcast on kibera website? report reviews, feedback?
  • what kind of response would you want to receive? who should be responding?
  • we need to communicate that somethings may go public, private, or not used at all?
  • is there a systematic way SMS is used already?
  • how could SMS help you do your job better?

examples ... this clinic is out of medicine. show technology ... what is this good for?

Safety + Vulnerability Meetings

Older Notes

  • build from kcoda's networks ... committees, monitors, paralegals, in each ward. "Change Agents"

Questions for printed map sessions


Here's one I found (replace "para" with...village) that could be really interesting addition to paper map exercise.

I would also replace a lot of the "who" with "where" so they can draw it. But liking some questions like...when you need x where do you go?

If we could get someone else to facilitate this with maybe the girls groups...would be really cool. even one mapper could do it, or jane.

Activity Two: Para Map Making: Personal Map of Bow Bazaar and You

Each participant will create their personal map of Bow Bazaar and them. This is very different from a regular map with street names, lines, and official landmarks. Rather, this map should represent what Bow Bazaar intimately looks like to the participant. It is a map in which each participant notes, identifies places/spaces/people/animals that carry intimate significance to them personally.

On an A4 size piece of paper create a personal map of Bow Bazaar — mapping what is important to you. Be creative. Use words, colors, art, images, etc.

Prompt Questions:

  • When you are feeling sad, where do you go in your neighborhood?
  • Places where you fell in love?
  • Where do you enjoy having an adda?
  • What places do you go to in your para where you feel the need to dress up?
  • Do you have any favorite pets in your para?
  • Who are important people in your para?
  • In crises, who do you go to?
  • Who do you go to for advice?
  • If you need to get things done, who do you go to
  • Who are your enemies?
  • Who are closest to your heart?
  • Who are you afraid of?
  • Somebody you are intrigued by?
  • Places in the para which make you Happy? And Make you Sad?
  • Your favorite tree in the para?
  • Favorite eating place?
  • If you have visitor, what parts of the para do you take them around to?
  • Are there some special games that you play in the para?
  • What are you favorite festivals in your para? Where do they happen?
  • What are your favorite sounds inside the para? Specific sounds at night? Specific sounds during Morning? Or afternoon?
  • One thing in your Para that you want to change? One thing in your para that you don’t want to change?

  • where do you parents tell you not to go?

Comments on Questions

One area that might need more thought and consultation is the questions. This is a good start and included some relevant and innovative subjects. But given that you observed more latent knowledge about vulnerability and health (and AIDS?) than had been apparent, it would be great to work with the local people to figure out what questions would bring that out. A few of the Kolkata questions might do so, but my guess is that if used as they now stand, they would more likely produce some interesting replies but not much actionable information about prevention messages and focus of community action and follow up. I have no special expertise in this field, but I would imagine that the questions should included a combination of more pointed questions about "where do you feel scared?" and "where do people say this or that activity - casual sex, drug use, predatory old men -- is taking place? "(maybe leaving unasked whether the respondent has first hand knowledge). It might be a good technique to ask "where do you feel good" questions to establish safe spaces and give some context to the negative, but I don't think we'll get the vulnerability picture without asking vulnerability questions more directly.

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