by: Lucy Fondo August 14th, 2011 comments:

Most of the farmers around  Dar-salaam take their agricultural produce to Sokoni market(Tandaleward).The most amazing thing about this market is that you will always see a municipal council’s lorry packed somewhere around ready to collect garbage from the market.For me, this is welfare because when I compare Sokoni market with Toi market i.e. in Kibera, I see I a big contrast. In Toi market you will never see a lorry coming to collect gabbage.The burden of garbage collection is usually left to the business owners.
In terms of infrastructure, Sokoni market is easily accessible.Both buyers and sellers can use any form of transport to access inside.Stalls have been partitioned well taking into consideration space for every seller.
Apart from farm produce,Sokoni market has stalls where they sell imported second hand clothes commonly known asâ€Mitumbaâ€.The clothes are very much affordable and you can always find different designs/fashions.
My opinion is for the City Council of Nairobi to atleast deploy two lorries on weekly basis for garbage collection. I believe with this done, it will help in maintaining a clean and safe environment free from pests and diseases.
Lucy Fondo
by: Lucy Fondo August 11th, 2011 comments:
Community mapping
The teams to participate in the mapping of Tandale Ward were sub-divided into small teams of 6 – 8 people per group. Each team was expected to go out into the community and map points of interest mainly physical features. In the team I was involved in, I was tasked with the responsibility of guiding both the community members and Ardhi University student on how to use the Global Positioning System (GPS) and flip camera.
Women were fully engaged in the mapping exercise and use of video camera. Unfortunately the equipment were few and we had to use them at different time. This increased communication between group members. The mapping exercise took 2 hours of both mapping and taking of videos.
Due to time constrain, we spent a few minutes in editing. We are expected to resume editing of the maps on Thursday morning. For Muslim women participating in the programme, this affected their level of energy and commitment at home. Maybe next time we should consider holding the event on a different date. I also noticed that women had very many commitment compared with men participating the mapping. It will have been good to consider different time for women to map their community.
Lucy Fondo
by: Hassan Abdullah August 10th, 2011 comments:
Today we started our mapping training in tandale and went out for mapping. training consist of community members and university student of ardhi, tandale has six(6) wards namely Pakacha,Mtogole,Kwa tumbo,Sokoni,Muharatani and Mkunduge. basically what we did is we tried to mix university student and the community so as we can come up with six (6)groups, gender was observed. we eventually mapped most of the wards to us was succes, tommorrow will continue mapping exercise.