- RT @eugenialeee: My thoughts on crucial differences between the Mathare & Kibera slums http://bit.ly/d9OTqr #
- New Video by KNN: Biogas Center in Kibera Investigated http://dlvr.it/4BGfR #
- our final community meeting for Map Kibera. it's water and sanitation at KWAHO, with many professionals #
- New Video by KNN: Rose's Orphanage in Kibera http://dlvr.it/4HrRV #
- New Video by KNN: Talent Show in Kibera http://dlvr.it/4J1tQ #
- Map Kibera, KNN, and Voice of Kibera at Maker Faire Africa http://is.gd/eIkJz #
- interesting thoughts ruminating on logistics of handling a lovely donation of new cameras for KNN #
- developed world electronics make big assumptions about secure environments for recharging, availability of specialized batteries #
- RT @jlundine: With the kibera news network @markhamnolan @ricaji & prof robert chambers abt to kick off filming on urban disaster issues #
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