Base map of Mathare is complete!

by: February 14th, 2011 comments: 4

We’ve completed the base map of Mathare. It took us 17 days during which 15 mappers (on average each day) would map and edit for an average of 5 hours per day. That accumulates up to 1250 man hours. Of course the exact figure of man hours is much lower mainly due to a limited number of computers and equipment which resulted in many of the mappers just strolling along or observing the creation of the map from afar. We have mechanisms prepared for this type of instance, as we want everybody interested to learn and contribute. One of these mechanisms, which we implemented in the last two weeks of mapping, is rotating venues.

If I throw some statistics at you, the base map has – or, if I put it differently, mappers have collected, edited and digitized:

  • 750 points
  • 41.3 km of roads and paths
  • 24 Mathare villages digitized, altogether an area of 3006444 m2 3.0064444 km2
  • 138 buildings digitized, altogether  an area of 58322 m2 or 0.058322 km2
  • Other areas digitized (walled areas, fields, football and recreational pitches, natural areas, etc.)comprise 360602 m2 0.360602018 km2

Below is the base map where the first map (Map 1) presents only the points collected and the second map (Map 2) presents the types of resources collected (represented by points), such as hospitals, toilets, water points, schools, religious institutions, etc.

Map 1

Map 2


§ 4 Responses to “Base map of Mathare is complete!”

  • Doug Ragan says:

    Congrats! Great work.

  • Nadim says:

    This is very exciting! Just out of curiousity, what process was used to determine what would be mapped?

    • jamie says:

      Hi Nadim. Thanks! The mappers in Mathare decided what information they wanted to collect for this base map. They were not given any instruction on what features to map. Read more about how mappers were recruited here. For the water and sanitation mapping we did after the base mapping, you can read about the process of determining what to collect here and here.

  • dorman-INA says:

    Very creative!
    An alternative to watch and monitor BC practice and CLTS progress in urban area.

    Is the triggered-people also can add the data on the map and who will verify them?


  • § Leave a Reply to Nadim

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