Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-30

by: May 30th, 2010 comments: 0

  • RT @mdeblois: My photo's of @mapkibera event in #KaruraForest #OSM mapping party #
  • mapping Schools! #
  • Map Kibera is OpenStreetMap Image of the Week #
  • A bus full of white people dressed as clowns spotted in Kibera. Could it be, gasp, Clowns Without Borders? #
  • just a sample day, yesterday: copy of map forms, mapping, mtgs on KNN, meet with KCODA, Voice of Kibera editorial meet, @whiteafrican dinner #
  • today: more copying. CDC meet on sharing. mapping. unicef field visit. watsan stakeholders. MK org WG. coffee w/habitat. dinner w/ unicef #
  • New video from KNN: draft constitution campaign rally KNN is our new Kibera youth citizen news project using Flip. #
  • cool hanging with Doug Ragan at UN-Habitat, talking about youth, community and mapping #
  • RT @marcmaxson: @mapkibera I talked about you in Ashoka Tech podcast: (#ushahidi) #

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